30 June 2015

Confession Sessions

via Pinterest

A few confessions/life rambles to come clean about...

  • Life has been hectic lately so my little blogging space has had to take a back seat.
  • I've been attending evening lectures for a Desktop Publishing Course - it's been pretty intense and three nights a week of lectures is no joke! The homework and assignment work load is pretty crazy too!
  • School holidays started yesterday - this means two kiddies at home ALL DAY. I was seriously nervous to start with especially with MC away for the week and Granny away for the next few weeks and no back up baby sitters but I'm going to enjoy these moments.
  • I haven't had a second to read, cook, bake or do anything remotely relaxing - it's all mom duties and homework around here.
  • Litte EN had a good spell of being well and healthy but now a bad chest and ear infection has hit with a nasty cough and we are back to minimal eating, runny noses, barking coughs and sleepless nights.
  • Healthy eating and exercise have also taken a back seat but this week has started well again, day two of weight training/cardio running and trying my best to not eat the bad stuff.
  • I may or may not be finding 8 minutes in my week to have a spray tan - nothing like a little tanned skin in Winter to help you feel more fabulous.
  • Our social calendar is busting at the seams too - every weekend is crazy busy with kids parties, events, weddings, hens parties, baby showers and dinner dates. We have been good at saying No this year but some occasions are not to be missed.
  • I am one proud Mom with SJ officially being water safe and finishing swimming lessons (the sight of my child being thrown into the middle of the pool and her finding her way back to the edge on her own with no inflatables or swimming devices was so scary but so amazing to witness!) and her awesome school report.
  • Is it really half way through the year already?
What's been going on in your life?


  1. Sorry to hear about EN Cals. I hope she gets better soon and well done SJ. It is always good to have them safe around pools. Enjoy the school holidays and all the sweet moments with both angels.

  2. You are doing amazing sweet friend. I know that these busy times can be overwhelming but I have no doubt that you will come out on top. Snuggle those beautiful girls of yours and rock your homework from your course. You've got this!


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