23 June 2015

Dear... Lesson You've Taught Me

We learn something new every day. And I learn so much from this man by my side. Letter link up with Amber.

June Letter Prompt: A Lesson You've Taught Me

Dear MC,

What have I not learnt from you should really be the question?

I have been through life, learning so much from so many different people. I had amazing teachers through school and a good grade average which allowed me to grasp concepts and learn notes by parrot fashion to recite during exams. I finished Primary school and High school with a good B aggregate and proud to have maintained this average - without trying exceptionally hard. I have always had the work hard, play hard motto going in life. I learnt that I loved reading and this allowed me to love English and be pretty good at spelling. I learnt that numbers were never my thing - Maths and I didn't really see eye to eye and I had to work hard. I learnt that I loved to be on stage and enjoyed Drama. I learnt that Physics and formulas were far too complicated for me but the practical Biology of life was more interesting. I learnt that I cannot draw but I still have a creative mind. I learnt that I loved sport and I was good at ball skills but long distance running was both mind numbing and lung destroying.

I have made many friends in life and have learnt so much through many different friendships. I've learnt that some friends will come and go through life and that is okay. I learnt that some friends are only friends with you to enjoy the good times and celebrations, and some friends will unfortunately enjoy that you have bad times as it makes them feel better about themselves. I've learnt that some friends will always have your back and some friends would rather stab you in the back. I've learnt that some friends will have to see you or speak to you every day to maintain a friendship and some will go months with not being in touch but then be able to pick up right where you left off. I've learnt that friends are so important but that family comes first.

I had one or two relationships before meeting you and as much as I wish that you were the only man that had ever been in my life - those past relationships taught me so much too. They taught me about the partner and wife I wanted to be and what I wanted in a man. They taught me never to settle for being treated badly. They taught me to stand up for myself as a woman and that I deserve to be treated with love, care and respect. They taught me that I wanted to devote my time and life to a man that would do the same for me. They taught me that trust and honesty and open communication is the only way a relationship will work. They taught me that I am always worthy of being loved unconditionally.

All of these lessons have shaped and moulded me into the person I was when I met you. At the age of 21, I thought I knew it all based on the above lessons. Little did I know that you would teach me so much more - about myself, about relationships, about business, about health, and about life. You are and always will be my greatest teacher.

In the beginning, you taught me how to trust. What a lesson that was for me. Trust is something I have never had in someone. Trust is now something I only have in you. I don't and can't trust anyone but you. This used to be a sad realisation but now it is a valuable lesson - there is no one else in this world that would ever put me first like you have, which means i could never trust anyone else 100%. They would always be willing to put someone else before me - and that's okay. You taught me that I had to give someone (you) all my trust and only take away if betrayed. But you have never done that, you have and never will betray me or let me down. After six short months of dating - I let you cross the oceans and live in another country for four years, with miles between us but all the trust in the world. And look how far we have come.

You have taught me (and are still teaching me) to be calm. I have always been busy - busy making plans, busy pleasing others, busy filling up my diary, calendar and to do list. You have taught me that to sit and do nothing is so peaceful and so good for the mind, body and soul. You have taught me to take it all in, to breathe deeper and not get caught up in the rat race of life today. I don't always succeed in this but I am always learning...

You have taught me all about perspective - about the little dot we are on a great white blank page. You have shown me how in the bigger scheme of things, those teeny tiny problems really aren't the end of the world. This has changed in so many ways and helped me deal with so many small issues that haven't been allowed to escalate because they are so irrelevant. This lesson has taught me how to deal with conflict situations with family members and friends - to stand up for myself but in a strong and respectful manner. 

You have taught me about hard work and motivation. You have always believed in me and been my greatest supporter which has in turn, taught me to believe in myself and really think that I can do anything I set my heart on. You have taught me about discipline and motivation and the importance of staying on track and never giving up. I know you will never give up on me. You have taught me that you don't get things you want by doing nothing, you have to work hard and even then, you don't always get the credit when it is due. But in this, you have taught me patience and humility and to keep working at it - one day, you will reap the rewards. 

You have taught me about love and faith. I am a better follower and Christian because of the faith you have in our Lord. Jesus chose you for me for so many amazing reasons. You lead me to the Church and the Scripture in a time when I really needed it. I am so grateful for the incredible boyfriend that you were buying me my first Bible and the patient husband who has lead me to sermons and cuddled me in prayer. You have taught me to love unconditionally and to love in a way that I never knew how. You have taught me to love out of my comfort zone, to pay compliments when I think them and cuddle when I don't like being smothered.

You have taught me about the person I want to be.
And being your wife is the perfect place to start being that person.

I love you MCR
Love Your Bride x


  1. Oh wow this was just lovely!!!!

  2. how did we get so lucky to marry men who are so divinely the opposite of us? how did we sign up for a life of learning from the most gracious of man-teachers? because we did and how damn lucky we get to spend our lives being so!

    you're a sweet, dear soul. so so precious to me.

  3. Ah, so blessed. "And being your wife is the perfect place to start being that person." Just perfect. <3

  4. A beautiful letter to your forever groom, what a sweet testament to the amazing man, teacher and husband that you have by your side. Xo, Stephanie


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