22 June 2015

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Father's Day MC
Looking back at all the photographs and memories of you with our darling girls has brought tears of joy to my eyes. As I sit here and type this post to you, I am reminded of all the days and months you have devoted yourself to your two precious daughters - never a day without loving them, caring for them and covering them in hugs and kisses.

Thank you for being the most incredible Daddy.
From the day SJ was born, you have given your all, 100% committed and devoted, always putting them first. You have spent many nights doing midnight bottle feeds, being awake as support when I was feeding, changing endless dirty nappies, cleaning up sick and mess, always making sure you are home for bath time and bed time, bathing and reading stories, playing and entertaining on the smallest chairs and with princess crowns and girly clips in your hair. You have been there for clinic visits, injections, middle of the night hospital visits and sitting at EN's bedside in the NICU. 

You have shown joy and excitement through each and every milestone, cried your own tears when they are in pain. You do morning school runs and attend all school functions and events. You encourage and motivate when SJ tries to give up and you laugh and giggle with them every day. You stay calm in panic situations and you are strong when there is a need for discipline. You really are their everything.

Both our girls are already Daddy's girls and their faces light up when they see you, they hug and cuddle you and never want to let go.
You are their Super Hero, their one true love and their Daddy.
Thank you for being the most incredible Father.
Happy Father's Day.


  1. Lucky little girls indeed!

  2. What a precious post for your sweet husband and the girls dad. He is lucky to have you as you are him friend. Y'all have a great partnership that is evident through the precious girls that you have created. Happy Father's Day MC.

  3. You have an amazing husband and those girls have a special dad, what a beautiful post! Xo, Stephanie


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