03 June 2015

June Goals

via Pinterest

June Goals

  • Be a more patient wife
  • Spend more quality time with our girls
  • Make time for those that matter
  • Less time and energy on those that don't
  • Try waking up earlier
  • Drink more water
  • Eat less sugar
  • Keep running
  • Try Bikram yoga
  • Keep up our church attendance
  • Enjoy two date nights
  • Celebrate Father's Day
  • Participate in #Collaboreads with Amber
  • Host a surprise
  • Attend a special friends bachelorette dinner
  • Attend a very special wedding
  • Watch our girls be flower girls
  • Attend SJ's Big Walk at school
  • Bake for SJ's school princess party
  • Keep on top of the homework for my course
  • Send two more snail mail packages
It's going to be a good month!


  1. I love your goals, my friend… these posts are always so inspiring. Think I may give the idea a bash, too. It's a great way to hold yourself accountable! Be a more patient wife… YES! Me, too. (And waking up earlier… hehe). Sending lots of love xxx

  2. I want to know more about the courses that you are taking!!! You can mark one snail mail package off. You are absolutely the best and most kind-hearted friend. I am so thankful for you!!!


Thank you for your lovely comment!