04 June 2015

SJ 3rd Birthday - Family


SJ is the first grandchild on both sides of the family - and therefore completely doted on by all grandparents. Unfortunately, MC's sisters and BIL live in the UK so we don't get to spend enough time together as a full family as much as we would like to or on all special occasions - like these birthdays! I really wish the cousins could all party together though... Our special Gogo is also a huge part of our family and SJ adores her like another Mom. And I could not be prouder of our sweet family of four.

(All photography by Heather Fitchet)


  1. you have the most adorable family ever! sophie is just precious.

  2. Cutest. family. EVER! And such a sweet party too! Arden would die over the Peppa Pig theme!

  3. Your family is so precious Cals. Your family is the family I want to have one day. And you are an amazing mommy! Love xxx

  4. What a beautiful family! Such a fun way to celebrate your sweet girl! Xo, Stephanie


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