08 July 2015

EN 1st Birthday - Food


In our house, we don't allow sugar before first birthdays, very rarely until second birthdays and then only weekends and special occasions as toddlers. This includes all chocolate, sweets, juices and treats. With that being said, we allowed a few buckets of sweets for EN's party - mainly for the older kids and then tasty treats for the adults. And what is a party without a themed cake, cupcakes and biscuits...

The adults table included our homemade cheesecake and chocolate brownies. The sliders, chicken pies, quiche and open bruschetta from the lovely Kim at Suburban Cafe.

(All photography by Heather Fitchet)
(Cake, cupcakes and biscuits made by Carrie Keuning)
(Savoury food by Suburban Cafe)

1 comment:

  1. You throw the best parties!! I saw that cake on IG and screen shotted it. I always save things like that I love! And sugar is all the better when you never get to have it - such a smart rule! I've been trying to cut all sugar out of my diet and on cheat day a donut or cookie tastes just that much better!


Thank you for your lovely comment!