07 September 2015

September Goals

via Pinterest

Spring has sprung! September is always a welcoming month for us as it means that the bulk of the crazy year is done and we are on the home stretch to Summer and holidays and all things fun...

September Goals

  • Make the most of the quality time with MC
  • Squeeze them tighter every day
  • Continue reading my devotional
  • Get back into our Sunday church and weekly prayer time
  • Get back into a good gym/running routine
  • Spend quality time with SJ and getting her better
  • Enjoy fun and educational activities with SJ at home
  • Watch SJ make a full recovery
  • Save money
  • Work on a business plan
  • Keep designing
  • Declutter and clean out the playroom
  • Complete our formal lounge makeover
  • Complete our guest bathroom makeover
  • Be a bridesmaid for my bestest friend
  • Visit special friends and family in Joburg
  • Celebrate our Godson's 3rd birthday
  • Read a book
  • Watch a movie at the cinema
  • Make special anniversary plans
  • Enjoy a getaway with our sweet family
  • Send two snail mail packages
Have a super September!
What are your goals this month?

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great things coming up this month, with getting SJ back into tip top shape being priority I'm sure. I need a good book to read so let me know if you find one that you really like.


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