08 September 2015

The 20 Question Game

via Pinterest

We all love a few facts about bloggers, and I loved this post from Julie at The Girl in the Red Shoes and the same post but different answers here from Karli at September Farm.

The 20 Question Game

1. Favourite Food
It is no secret that my favourite food is a potato. I love everything about the delicious vegetable - baked potato, creamy potato bake, mash, french fries, roast potatoes. I also love tuna sushi and a good curry.

2. Flip flops or high heels
A bit of both. I love the casual, Summer feeling of wearing flip flops all day showing off brightly manicured toes but you also can't beat a sexy heel for a night out.

3. Favourite places to shop for yourself
Country RoadZara and Cotton On.

4. Standard coffee order
I don't drink coffee (shock! horror!) so I an English Breakfast tea or hot chocolate girl.

5. Road trip must have snack
Anything savoury - nuts, biltong, chips or popcorn.

6. DIY or hire it out?
A bit of both - I like getting creative with small and fun DIY projects but I am not afraid to get a professional in for the big things - definitely no DIY when it comes to electrics, plumbing and building in our house.

7. Top 5 TV shows
Pretty Little Liars, Revenge, Stalker, Secrets and Lies and the Bachelorette - all currently watching.

8. Favourite Book
Gone Girl

9. Favourite form of exercising
I love weight training in the gym or Pilates. I have never been a cardio person but I try my best! I would rather lift heavy weights then even step foot on the treadmill.

10. How tall are you?

11. Do you try something new at restaurants or stick to your favourites?
A bit of both - I stick to my favourites at restaurants that I know and we frequent often but I will try something new and different at new restaurants.

12. One make up item you can't live without
Lipgloss - my favourite is the 

13. What's on your nightstand?
Cellphone, charger, photo frame, clock, glasses, book and iPad.

14. What's one thing motherhood has taught you?
To trust my motherly instinct - it is ALWAYS right. No one knows their child better than the momma (or some Dads too!) Whenever my instinct tells me something is wrong or not right, it isn't.

15. Music that reminds you of high school

16. If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current city, where would you live?
Houston, Texas. I absolutely love the city, the people, the climate and the difference in culture and living. 

17. Tell us something we might not know
I have had seven surgeries (three medical, two cosmetic and two for babies).

18. Websites you read/browse (besides blogs)

19. Morning person or night owl?
Neither. Haha, I am definitely not a morning person - I love to sleep in and wake up slowly with reading, tea in bed and some contemplation. I would be more a night owl as I can sit and work for hours if I'm focused and I can stay out partying until all hours.

20. Favourite breakfast meal
Crumpets with butter and golden syrup.

20. What's your best feature?
I had never thought of my best feature - apparently my smile or eyes?!

I know I have 21 but both bloggers had a different number 20!
Why not borrow this post so I can learn more about you.


  1. Always love learning new things about my beautiful friend!

  2. Yes to all those songs and high school memories! I also smile that your city choice would be Houston, Texas - I've never been! But gah how could you ever leave where you are at?! It looks AMAZING!!!

  3. love this and your answers, I might have to take part too :)


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