13 October 2015

30th Birthday: Friends & Family

I've always known my friends and family are pretty awesome but after my 30th birthday, they truly are the best! It was an emotional day having SJ admitted but with a venue booked and paid for... the party had to go on (with or without us!) We ended up making the most of it and thanks to all these lovely people, I had a good night with fun memories.

Thank you to my gorgeous hubs and five special friends who made speeches and an amazing photo slideshow for me. So many memories fun times, laughs and tears and so many more to look forward to. The outfits (with the letter C) were pretty awesome too!


  1. Ok can I just say that I LOVE halloween here (do you all celebrate halloween there?) Any way, we all get to dress up and I just adore it so this bday party idea was INCREDIBLE!!! And your outfit was so pretty! Happy 30th beautiful! Know this year is going to be amazing for you! XO

  2. Your birthday outfit is so you friend. It's sparkly, full of life, and beautiful. I am so glad you had such a great birthday. I just wish I could have celebrated with you!


Thank you for your lovely comment!