16 October 2015

Coffee Date

via Pinterest

Sweet Amber always has me glued to my screen with her Coffee Date posts - I love reading about her daily going-ons and I always wish we were on a real coffee date and enjoying a good catch up! 

So today, I'm inviting you for coffee too...
If we were on a coffee date, I would be drinking a good cuppa tea. The traditional English Breakfast tea with a medium amount of milk and one sugar ( I don't drink coffee, remember?)

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I suck at blogging. I have had the odd post here and there but I have lost my consistency - life has been so hectic and my Drafts folder just gets bigger and bigger. But I have some time now, so I am going to let my creative juices flow and hopefully get my blogging groover back on.

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that we had a fire at our house recently. We are all okay and no one was injured but our whole garage went up in flames. It was emotional and traumatic but having my family alive and well is all that matters. God prepares us for things in the most mysterious ways. We are now dealing with the intense admin - new ID and drivers, bank cards and belongings, insurance and costs.

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that EN has been booked for surgery in two weeks time. She has just not got better this year and the ENT has confirmed that she needs to have her tonsils and adenoids removed and grommets inserted. It is a risk under the age of two but she really isn't well and her body cannot take any more medication and antibiotics. This surgery really will be the best thing for her.

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I am currently in Texas. MC has a business trip planned for next week and I could get a flight earlier so I am here for a few days on my own until he joins me. I love Houston and everything about Texas so I am taking full advantage of the few days off and a break with my hubs - and seeing these gorgeous ladies: StephKarina and Ashley.

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I have not been to gym in weeks! I have done zero exercise and I haven't been eating well either. I am going to try my best to get back on the wagon now while I have a few days break but life has been crazy and my health and wellness is the last thing that has had my attention - which is not right!

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I have decided to start a small party design business. I was supposed to do a few test runs this year and launch in January and I've already been quite busy. And I am loving it! The business has no name though so I need to do some serious soul searching and brainstorming during the next few days. Any suggestions and ideas welcome?

If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that the saying: What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger is beyond true. The last few months have been tough and testing but with my one true rock of a husband by my side, we have learnt that we can conquer anything. And we can get through it all more faithful and more in love. These hurdles in life are no fun and at times, they can be heart wrenching and soul destroying but we have faith that there is a greater plan for us and these moments in our lives make us stronger and prepare us for what lies ahead.

Hope you enjoyed our coffee date


  1. I could do with a coffee date with you now my friend. Even though I know all these details of your life, we would sit and chat for hours and still leave each other's company feeling like we didn't have enough time together xxx

  2. So sorry to hear about the fire :( As if having life isn't busy enough, you don't need the extra stress. Thinking of you guys x

  3. A virtual coffee date is such a good idea!
    Sorry to hear of all the ups and downs and that EN will be in hospital - thinking of you all x
    have loved your texas pics - what a lovely adventure!


Thank you for your lovely comment!