25 February 2016

Confessional Thursday

A few weeks ago, I read an exciting post about Jessica and her new Confessions link up. I promised i would get involved and then didn't... So my first confession is:

I am a two weeks late - this was supposed to be posted the first Thursday. Rather late than never!

Bieber's "You should love yourself" is a new fave, and totally doesn't sound like Bieber!

This working mom juggling act is pretty cray cray.

I am launching my new LuluPop business website and blog soon, and now deciding over having a work AND personal blog or merging them into one?

MC is training for The Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race, which is next month and I haven't hated being a cycling widow - I was warned about this being one of the worst "affairs" ever. A month to go and I have survived...

I am Lilly Pulitzer OBSESSED!! Why don't we have a store in South Africa? Why can't I spend my hard earned international currency shopping online? And why do I want one of everything?

I wish we could watch The Bachelor now too. SA is backwards.

We are going to Mauritius in 4 weeks and this body is definitely not bikini-ready. I was in such a good exercise and healthy eating routine and then fell off the wagon!

I haven't give anything up for Lent. Not because I don't want to but I just haven't decided. Any ideas for next year?

It took SIX months to get a car again, and I love it. Definitely worth the wait!

Seeing my bestie's new baby boy yesterday made me VERY broody. A little excited at adding to our family of four, one day...

Do you have any confessions this week?
Join in the fun and link up!


  1. Such a lovely post Cals! I think you should merge the two blogs together. Less hassle x

  2. looking at impact and you canard an associate so if you evaluation right basically click you will Copy Buffett never be lost besides appreciate Scott tools because you realize that a lot of the gets are in there variety I could organize you’d find that there are .


  3. im glad you got your car! :) i have been watching the bachelor! im sorry you haven;t been able to yet, but im sure you will catch up when you are able - just sucks because most likely you will get the spoil of who won =/ hate when that happens!


    I was wondering if you would visit my Go Fund Me page :)
    https://www.gofundme.com/cassiedotcom Every Dollar Helps! Even if you do not donate, I appreciate your time to hear my story! Thank You!

  4. Oh this is such a little fun brain dump of sorts! I love it :)

  5. Oh I love this idea! Thanks for sharing <3


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