18 April 2016

Coffee Date: Three

via Pinterest

What better way to welcome myself back to blogging than by inviting you for a cuppa?
And who knows, if I don't make a proper comeback, maybe we will just keeping meeting" for a coffee and catch up every few weeks...

If we were on a coffee date, I would be drinking tea.
Good old English Breakfast/Five Roses tea, with skimmed milk and one white sugar. I am fussy like that. One in the morning and one at night and one when we meet for coffee/tea.

If we were on a coffee date, I would say I have missed you.
You know that feeling that something is missing? When you have one child but would like two? When you put photos on a wall but it doesn't look right? When you devour a tasty meal but still need dessert? I have missed blogging like that. Days and weeks are hectic but I miss this precious space.

If we were on a coffee date, I would ask your opinion.
I am about to launch my small business website that also has a blog. Do I keep blogging here? And there? Or do I merge the two into one, and mix business and personal?

If we were on a coffee date, I would ask how you are?
I have missed all you lovely ladies and I would love you to comment about how you are, how your lives and kids and jobs are? We really need a good catch up!

If we were on a coffee date, I would ask for your accountability.
I need to eat better. I need to go to gym. I need to stay focused. And I need you to please help me... Someone needs to check in on me, probably daily.

If we were on a coffee date, I would be sneaky and ask you to follow along my new business venture (why not use personal to advertise business?)

And then I would promise you that I will be back soon!


  1. Glad you are back!! SO exciting about your business
    Chelsea @ http://thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com

  2. Welcome back! You have been missed! As far as the accountability goes I would certainly be asking for the same motivation / support in making better, healthier choices, but also motivation to stay positive. To stay positive when everything around us, in our country is in such turmoil. There is so much negativity around, it would be nice to be forced to really, focus on something positive.

  3. How I have missed you Cals. Your blog has always been my number one place to stop! I wish we could have the cuppa of English Breakfast tea together. I am so excited for your new website to launch. I think that it would be a good idea to merge the two, because as a fellow mommy I know time can get away. Everything in one spot would work so much better.

    Love you my friend! And I am so glad you are back! xx

  4. I will take a cup of hot cocoa! Love your blog.


  5. I will take a cup of hot cocoa! Love your blog.


  6. So nice to see you back! I check your blog almost daily in hope of a new post! Whichever you decide please keep posting :)

  7. Welcome back! I keep checking your blog to see if there was anything new. "Sterkte" with your new business!!

  8. I came across your blog by accident, i think through Shalane from Dragonflies & Dreamcatchers. And what a blessing to me, I love your space here. Looking so forward to seeing/hearing/reading more from you, all the best with your new business venture and the new season becoming a reality xx


Thank you for your lovely comment!