30 May 2016


Weekend Ramblings

I don't usually do a weekend recap but there is always a first time...
And why not document the sweet weekend we had?!

Friday was one of those crazy, busy days for me at work. I was let down in a terrible way by a supplier and spent the day running around to try and deliver for a client who had a function on Friday afternoon! Somehow, I managed to pull a rabbit out of a hat and made it all right but not without gaining a few grey hairs! MC had been away on business all week so after bathing the girls and tucking them in for the night - we collapsed on to the couch for an early night of cuddles and The Bachelor. (We also woke up to the news of our picture in the paper from last weeks Sunflower Fund Ball.)

We spent the morning having breakfast together at our favourite, Remo's and then we had a lazy morning at home, riding bikes, playing fantasy in the play room and watching cartoons. At lunchtime, we put the girls down for their nap - I got cozy on our outside couch with a cup of tea and Bobbie Houston's new book, The Sisterhood whilst MC sorted out our new garage. After our fire 8 months ago, we were finally reimbursed for the damages and belongings. We now have a fully equipped garage again with tools, mower,sports and camping equipment and bikes. MC is also working on building us a container for our veggie garden. The girls woke up, they helped Dad in the garage and riding their bikes and then we headed into the Village for an early dinner.

Our Church is currently running a series on "What would the Church say to..." and this week was Justin Bieber - what an incredible sermon by our Pastor Tom - who did a little JB performance too! It is scary how judgemental us Christians can be and how we often think that those they sin are so undeserving of Jesus but who needs Him more than sinners rather then the self-righteous? And so heartwarming to hear how JB is actually a believer and follower of Christ. We enjoyed a yummy lunch with the girls god-parents and our special friends that we haven't seen in ages - a good catch up for the soul. We brought the girls home for their afternoon nap, and we started preparing an early dinner with our families and parents. MC cooked meat on the braai and I prepared a tasty salad and healthy chocolate coconut mousse recipe from my favourite recipe book from Brookdale. And we ended off the evening toasting marshmallows in the boma.

What did you do this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Love this weekend update! It's so fun getting to see a peek into your lives! It was a rainy two Friday and Saturday so I used that as an excuse to get lots of naps and Netflix episodes in. Then Sunday was church and the farmer's market and Monday was a delightfully hot day, full of shopping a few thrift store sales and then ended with a food truck dinner and a live music evening at the lake! xoxo


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